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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My Christmas Anxiety!!

Don't get me wrong Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year. I always look forward to spending time with my family and watching my children's eyes light up on Christmas morning when they open up their piles of gifts. Your typical Christmas anxieties don't bother me at all, I actually enjoy them. I find shopping Black Friday an amazing adrenaline rush. Wrapping presents (at least this year) was quality time spent with the Hubby. I will admit one of my favorite things to do during the holidays is eat...hee hee. My step-father and my mother always have the best recipes and foods for all of us to enjoy.

So I am sure you wanna know what my anxiety is all about??? If you ask some of my family members, they would probably tell you that I have OCD when it comes to alot of things in my life. I especially have it when it comes to cleaning and organizing my house. I guess you could call me........

After all the gifts are unwrapped and I have toys and clothes and whatever else all over my house...I start to get anxiety. I need to make sure everything has a place and its put away where its supposed to go. My children's bedroom is always clean (well unless they have dumped out all their toys on the floor LOL). They have plastic bins for specific types of toys. Everything has a place. I remember as a kid we would just leave our pile of toys/clothes and gifts under the tree for days until it slowly made its way into our bedrooms and put away. So I am not sure why I am the way I am now about this. I make my husband put away all his new gifts, and no they can't just be piled up in the bedroom for him to put away another day, it has to be done NOW. Its horrible I know, but if things are done, as soon as possible, then Mommy will not be at peace.

LOL...yes this is exactly how I am.


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