Not everything in life has to be on a budget. Although if you know me, you might think that I make sure EVERYTHING we do and have in our lives is on a budget, but when it comes down to my children and their health and well being, budget goes out the window.
I have been blessed with 2 AMAZING children. I say they are AMAZING for all the same reasons any parent would find their child to be AMAZING as well as for the fact that both of my children have to overcome obstacles in their everday life. Obstacles many adults could not handle.
My daughter will be 8 in April. She is currently in her second year of 1st grade. She makes us smile, laugh, cry, get frustrated and question "Why"? She has Sensory Processing Disorder (as well as other multiple learning disorders). What is Sensory Processing Disorder? Her brain does not process all the information and stimulation she recieves on a daily basis, correctly. She cannot tolerate loud noises, she can't control herself from touching EVERYTHING in her path. She is unable to feel when she has food on her face from eating her meals or if she sat in puddle of water. She was well into Kindergarden before she was able to start potty training. She is easily distracted by anything in her surrondings. Sitting still in class or to eat a meal is a hard task for her. She has to be taught to Walk instead of Run. She has a hard time putting words together to make a complete thought. She is still learning how to tie her shoes. She is unable to make a REAL connection to her peers and classmates. Sounds horrible, right? Well when you think about it, yes it is. But through it all she is one of the happiest children I have ever been around. She is able to finish a 100 peice puzzle, alot faster than any adult. She has a photographic memory that amazes us everyday. She has many strengths.
My family and I have spent many years of learning about Sensory Processing Disorder. We have done anything and everything to help her. From a special Gluten Free diet, which was not only hard to create meals especially for her, but it was expensive. We have taken her to many specialists and have had many evaluations. I even paid out of pocket for her to see a Naturpath Healer. Currently she recieves Occupational Therapy that is specially created for her specific Sensory concerns.

Next week we will be starting a new form of therapy for her. It is called Therapuetic Listening. For two 30 minute sessions per day, she will be listening to a specially designed CD that has been proven to help children with Sensory Processing Disorder. The music is not normal, typical music you hear on the radio, its frequency and pitches are designed to enhance the parts of the brain that do not work correctly in children with SPD. She will be on a 12 week program and it will cost us $300.00 to rent the special headphones, CD Player and CD's. Yes thats ALOT of money for me to even consider spending on something that is not even a gaurantee..BUT because it is for my daughter, because there is a chance I could be helping her have a better, easier is well worth it. Right now she has been having a harder time regulating herself and seems to be going backwards in some of her gains.
I wish it was only $300.00 and I could have my little girl come out of her closed off shell, but unfortunately no amount of money will bring her out fully, no amount of money will make her have a normal typical life, but if $300.00 will help her notice that after she has eaten her sandwich at school that she has jelly on her cheek, so that she will know to wipe it off, before another child in school makes fun of her, then its worth it to me. If $300.00 will help her feel that she needs to use the bathroom and not have to deal with the embarrasment of having an accident, then its well worth it. If $300.00 will help her make life long friends, rather than a name and a face that she passes by on the bus, then its well worth it.
Sometimes in life there are things that you will NEVER be able to budget or put a price on.
My little girl is one of those things.