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Sunday, January 9, 2011

My Money Maker Rite Aid Trip

Unfortunately I was bombarded by children and wanted to hurry and watch the newest Tink Movie with my kids that I did not get a picture of my trip. But I will say I had bags filled with FREE STUFF. It was a good trip. I did make a mistake. I totally forgot that Rite Aid does not take any Internet Printable that is valued over $5.00 so the two $6.00/2 Motrin Coupon I had I could not use, so I just had them take 4 of my 6 motrins out of my order. So heres what I did.

2 Motrin 20 ct on sale for $3.00/each = $6.00
6 Stayfree Pads on sale for 2/$5.00 = $15.00
8 Trident Gums on sale for BOGO
4 Special K Cereal on sale for BOGO
2 Velveeta Shells Dinner $1.99/each = $3.98
2 Ziploc Sandwich Bags on sale for 2/$4.00

$6.00/2 Motrin 1/9 SS
(3) BOGO StayFree Pads  (2 were Internet Printables and 1 was from 1/9 RP)
(3) $1.00/1 Stayfree Pads (insert coupons)
(2) $1.00/3 Trident Gum 1/2 SS
(2) BOGO Special K Cereal (from their website)
$1.00/2 Ziploc Brand Bags
(3) $1.00 Video Value Q's
$10.00 Gift of Savings Coupon
(2) $1.00 Up Rewards

Paid .60 Out of Pocket
Got back 16.00 in UP Rewards.